Monday, May 19

Time in the Balcony...

In our Sunday School class yesterday we discussed refuge cities.  (We usually meet in the balcony of the chapel.)   Cities of refuge, sometimes called "Sanctuary Cities" (Josh. Ch. 20, Num. Ch. 35) were set up as safe havens for anyone who had killed someone unintentionally.  These cities, under the care of  the Levites (priests of Israel),  were open to both Israelite and foreigner alike.   There are so many parallels between this Old Testament institution and the salvation I  know through Christ, that I don't really know where to begin!  

Cities of Refuge were not an invention of man but were instituted by God Himself (Num. 35.9) ... God always takes the initiative and man responds!  1 Peter 1.20 God provides salvation before creation!

The cities were scattered all around Israel so that they were easily accessible ... Jesus says, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." (Matt. 4.17)  He is accessible!

There were well-maintained roads leading into each city so people could have a way in... Jesus said "I am the Way" (to salvation).

Bridges were built to overcome obstacles such as rivers that might have denied the people access to  the cities... Jesus is our bridge over the obstacle of sin that separates us from God.

The repentant person seeking refuge could not be turned away ... Jesus says, "...whoever comes to me, I will never drive away."  (John 6.37)

The cities of refuge provided protection for the offender until the serving High Priest died ... Jesus is our High Priest, and he will never die!  We are safe in Jesus forever! (Heb. 6.20)

Once again, I see that the Old Testament reveals the universal need of man for salvation and points him to Christ, all the while revealing God as Supreme Initiator of that salvation. 

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