Sunday, November 30

Change We Can Believe In...

John Chapter 2 tells a story familiar to many.   It seemed rather familiar to me, too, until this morning.  That is one thing I love about God's word; it is living and active... and teaching me new lessons if I am willing to learn.  

Mary, Jesus' mother, was attending a wedding in the village of Cana.  Jesus and his disciples had also been invited.  Indicative of the Jewish culture in general, the traditional Jewish wedding is full of meaningful rituals and symbolism.  The couple is married underneath the cover of a tent called a chuppah, which symbolizes the couple's future home together.   The bride, known as a kallah, wears a veil which is meant to place special emphasis on inner rather than physical beauty.  And then there is the celebration... the food .... the laughter... the wine.  When the wine runs out, Mary- like any good mother who knows her son - simply goes to Jesus.  Jesus performs his very first miracle that day ... and I am amazed.  

Jesus' first miracle was this:  transformation.  He took ordinary water and transformed it into wine.  Not just any wine, either ... the best wine.    Of all the miracles of Jesus could have chosen as His first, he chose this one.  He chose to transform.  He didn't simply alter the perception of the people, making them think the water tasted as good as wine.   He chose to reveal Himself in that moment, to reveal His desire and ability to bring about a complete transformation.   He turned the water into wine, the fruit of the vine!   As I reflect on this incredible display of His loving intent and His great power, I see that He has done and is doing no less with me.   He is transforming my thoughts from darkness to light.  He is transforming my actions from selfishness to service.  The work of His Spirit is so changing my motivations, my words, my desires, and my understanding of Truth that the composition of my life is completely different from what it was before I knew Christ.  2 Corinthians 5.17 sums up the experience of all of us who have come into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ ... "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone; the new has come."  That's change we can believe in.

Wednesday, November 26


Russ and I are involved with the Navigators ministry here in Texas.   This organization, which can be found on many military installations across the country, places their focus on helping and training soldiers in their walk with Christ.  The Navs we've known through the years often use illustrations when explaining spiritual truths… using anything from a whiteboard to a ripe banana.  Somehow I think John the Baptist would fit right in.

In John 1, we see John define himself as “one calling in the desert, make the way straight for the Lord…”.  He states unequivocally that he is not the Messiah but rather he is merely the messenger, further laying the ground work for the One who is to come.  John’s words proclaim Christ.   In verse 31, Johns says “…the reason I came baptizing with water was that he (Jesus) might be revealed to Israel.”  John’s life serves as the illustration of the Christ to come.  Perhaps for a revelation of this magnitude a dry erase board just wouldn’t do. 

Tuesday, November 25

The Word Became Human....

There is a certain boy who has been giving Sophia a hard time at school.  As an adult, I understand this is part and parcel of growing up.  As a mother, I just want to show this young man the working end of a belt.  As a matter of fact, as I recounted the latest incident to Russ, he commented that he'd like to go back to 7th grade and teach that boy a lesson. ( I had relished that same thought some hours earlier.)  

John 1.14 says, "So the Word (Jesus) became human and lived here on earth among us..."  Jesus did what Russ and I would like to do ... He took on another form... only with "unfailing love and faithfulness," as verse 14 goes on to tell us.   In Jesus, God became human, not to condemn us or to crush us or to exact divine vengeance for our sin ... but to love us, restore us, save us.   According to Luke 19.10, the purpose for Jesus' coming to Planet Earth was to seek and to save those who are lost.   Only Jesus - 100% holy God and 100%s sinless man - could redeem 100% lost and sinful mankind.  Only God as Jesus would have the integrity to walk around in human flesh with right motivation toward others.  Only Jesus as God would have the power to save.   Unlike me with my desire to put a bullying 13-year-old to shame, Jesus became human to take away my shame.  As I contemplate Jesus' example,  I realize I still have a long way to go in becoming like Him.  

Monday, November 24

Children of God...

I often hear it said that "we are all children of God".   Sounds quite attractive, doesn't it? Inclusive.  Compassionate.  Conciliatory. Unfortunately, it just ain't so.

In order to find the truth of the matter, we look to John 1:12, "To all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God."  The "him" John refers to is Jesus, and only Jesus.   The Amplified Bible expands on the verse in this way, "But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave the authority (power, privilege, right) to become children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, rely on) His name." Contrary to public opinion, we are not all children of God.  Scripture clearly states there is a qualifier:  belief in and acceptance of Jesus.  John goes on to say in verse 13, "They are reborn!  This is not a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan -- this rebirth comes from God."   This is God's doing ... and there is no other way!  We cannot become a child of God by doing good things. We cannot earn a relationship with God, nor can we earn kinship.  The kid down the street does not become my kid by mowing my lawn every other week.  Giving money to good causes does not make someone a child of God. Studying theology does not make someone a child of God. Being "spiritual" or even joining a religion does not make someone a child of God. Created in the image of God, yes; related to God, not so much.

Russ and I have three children of our own.   They were born of us, physically speaking.   They did not choose to be our children ... they were chosen to be our children.  The fact that we birthed them determines that they indeed are our children. (I won't use this particular blog to address the topic of adoption, but will say that Scripture refers to us Gentiles as adopted children.)  Although we know many children, only three are our children.  I know who mine are not only because I gave birth to them, but also because we have this ongoing relationship.  They accept that I am their mother, and I accept that they are my children ... even when they are way too noisy.  I do not get confused when I pick up them up at school and mistake other children for mine.   I KNOW them!  I know what they look like and recognize their voices in the crowd.  And they know they are my children.  They trust me.  They rely on me... especially when it comes to doing homework.  

Russ and I love Sophia, Sam and Annabelle; we provide for them, teach them, shape them, and they give us tremendous joy.  There is no doubt in any of our minds that we are irrevocably related.  I am just as certain that God is my Father, and I am His child. God chose to give me new life through Jesus' redemptive work on the cross ... and I believe and accept.   How about you?

Saturday, November 22


OK, just when I thought I'd heard it all...  

Last night I told Sam it was time for his shower.  As usual, this 9-year-old boy was not happy.  But at least his response made me laugh.  He just wishes there was something fun to do while he's waiting.  "Waiting for what?" I ask.  With his expression saying "duuh", he answers, "To get out of the shower, Mom."  It was then that I informed him there IS something he can do ... it's called bathing.

As I reflect on this humorous conversation,  it occurs to me that in a way I do the very same thing.  As everyday opportunities stare me right in the face, I find myself waiting for some great need, important task, or  profound revelation.  As I pass the time waiting for my "big chance" to serve Jesus,  I completely miss the immediate need of a new acquaintance. Obviously, (to everyone but me) the most critical ministry Jesus invites me to participate in is to share His love.  This, Scripture says, can be as easy as handing someone a Dixie cup.   My prayer is that I'll recognize any and all opportunities to love God by loving people ... and that my son will remember to use soap.

Thursday, November 6

Serious Error...

"Your problem is that you don't know the Scriptures, and you don't know the power of God."  Mark 12.24

I never cease to be amazed at Jesus' ability to cut to the chase.  The verse above is His answer to a question asked by a group of "religious" folks, the Sadducees.  (They didn't believe in resurrection after death, so they were "sad, you see".)   The hypothetical situation posed in their question was meant to somehow trick Jesus, trip Him up.  Jesus immediately went to the heart of the matter, stating that the Sadducees did not know Scripture, which He calls "a serious error."  

In our day and  time, there are many questions that believers and unbelievers alike submit to the church.  Sometimes these questions are actually meant to in some way justify wrong belief, motivation, or behavior.  Sometimes, however, they are simply asked out of ignorance.   A young lady once asked me why shouldn't she have sex with her fiance.  Both she and the young man claimed to know Christ; they both were active in their local church.  Jesus' response to the Sadducees would also answer her question ... "Your problem is that you don't know the Scriptures."  As I sat down with her to discuss the situation, it became apparent to me that she did not understand that having sex outside of marriage is wrong. (Jesus affirms this Old Testament truth in John 8, for example)  It simply is not God's best, even if - maybe especially if - you plan to marry the other person.  I also explained  that having sex outside of marriage is no worse than any other sin.  If she were to confess it to God and ask for forgiveness, He would certainly wipe her slate clean. (1 John 1.9)  Her lack of knowledge of Scripture had left her in dangerous territory.  She couldn't depend on anything or anyone else to protect her from sin.  Not even her own heart.  Only through the Holy Spirit's illumination of the absolute Truth of Scripture can our thoughts and actions - our very lives - be transformed.  

Speaking to his disciples, Jesus says in John 8.31, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Wednesday, November 5

The Election ...

For my blog today, I refer you to Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA.  

Please click on the words "The Election" above.

Tuesday, November 4

The Test...

"Test everything.  Hold on to the good." 1 Thessalonians 5.21

There is a park right down the street from our house.  Most Sunday afternoons, the kids get their bikes, Russ finds the soccer ball, and I grab my ipod, and we head for the only patch of green near us.  Occasionally, we'll meet someone walking her dog along the way.  The kids' first instinct is to hop off their bikes and go directly to the unsuspecting pooch so they can pet him.  However, because the dog's real disposition is not always easy to read, this could be very dangerous.  So, we've trained our kids NOT to walk up and pet strange dogs, no matter how harmless they may seem.  Likewise, we're training them to show the same discretion in all areas of life.

In his letter to the church at Thessalonica, Paul holds to the same premise.  He understood the value of testing everything, including his own convictions.  

So, what is the standard against which everything must be tested?  The standard must be stable, uncompromising, immovable, unchangeable.  The standard must be Truth itself.  A very powerful and well-known man in the Bible once asked, "What is truth?"  Unfortunately, this wasn't the right question.   I think the proper question would have been, "Who is Truth?"   Truth is a person.  In John 14.6, Jesus says, "I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life..."  Only when we test our ideas, words, actions and motivations against those of Jesus as defined in Scripture will we be able to properly assess them. In a culture where Truth is seen as relative and absolutes are relegated to the realm of impossibility, our challenge is indeed great.  Therefore, those of us who call ourselves "Christian" must know Scripture!!  How will we be able to test all that the world throws at us if we do not know what Scripture says?  Simple:  we won't.  We'll be deceived because we don't know the Truth.  While I certainly don't claim to have mastered Scripture, I certainly do claim that the more time I spend in the Scripture, the more it masters me!  This gives me the ability to test everything and hold on to the good.