Sunday, March 2

Don't leave hungry ...

Today the kids and I watched "The Gospel of John" on dvd.  It is a favorite of mine, even though I don't really think Jesus spoke with an English accent in the King James vernacular.  Anyone with kids will relate to the fact that I had to pause the move about  20 times to answer various questions, i.e. "How did the crowd know Jesus had not gotten in the boat with his disciples?",  "Why did they only bring the adulterous woman to Jesus & not the man?", "Why did Jesus act so mad at the temple & kick over all those tables?"  The best question:  "What in the world does it mean that we must eat of his flesh... what are we, cannibals?!"  

The next thing you know, pizza popped into my head.  (God is so good to reveal Himself in all kinds of ways, using all kinds of examples from everyday life.)  I found myself thinking ... and explaining to the kids ... in terms they could understand. It went something like this -

"Remember the other day when you guys really wanted pizza for dinner?  You had no way of getting a pizza - no car to drive to Pizza Hut & no money to buy one if you could get there.  So I called in the order & told you it would be ready soon.  Next, I drove there & paid for it.  I brought it home to you. I opened box so you could see & smell it.  I offered you each a piece - even put it on plates right in front of you!  All you had to do was eat it!  (And say thank you, of course!)"  I explained that "eating Jesus" was little like them eating that pizza.  God decided to "order" our salvation, and He sent Jesus to pay for it & bring it to us.  He told the Jewish people who Jesus was and what He'd bring them long before it happened.  Even so, they didn't understand; they didn't recognize Jesus or what He offered them!  So, they went away hungry.  Thankfully, the box is still open to those of us who will take a piece.


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