Friday, February 29

God and Kettle Bells

A good friend of mine is a personal trainer.  She is in phenomenal shape!  How did she get that way?  She WORKS at it ... consistently.  A little over a year go, she introduced me to the kettle bell.  Mine is a 20-pound weight in the shape of a ball with a handle.  And it produces results ... when I use it!  Christy was kind enough to show me WHERE to order it.  She even came to my house and gave me a one-on-one on HOW to use it properly.  She was encouraging and patient with me as I tried to make my 40 year old body do things it had NEVER done before!  It was painful for me but I grew stronger with each workout.  

The problem is that I haven't been as consistent as I need to be to see the results I would like to see.  So ... I've dusted it off, put it out in plain sight, and determined to use it three times a week.  I integrated it into everyday life.  I've put a plan in place to help me, I'm growing stronger, and I'm actually enjoying it!  

Spiritual implications abound.  In order to grow spiritually, I need to actually use the resources God's given ... His Word, prayer, study.  I need to make a plan for how I spend my time ... and stick to it even if I don't see results right away.  I need consistency over time to grow strong.  And I needed someone who already knew these things to help me get started.  If Christy had not come alongside me, shown me what she knew, spent time helping me, I'd still be sitting on the sofa just watching TV every night.

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