Monday, October 6

Truth ...

"I am the way, the TRUTH and the life..." John 14.6

Truth.  What is it?  Is there absolute truth?  Only one truth?  What is it?  Or more accurately... Who is it?  I believe Jesus is the only real Truth.

My husband is amazing.  He often says things that intrigue me ... that make me think ... hard.  He simply commented the other day on the fact that we think the laws of nature are true. Undeniably.  Absolutely.  Physics, mathematics, nature itself.  Are they?   In reality, we must look beyond these phenomena to find the Truth.   Jesus, the man, walked upon the water.[a]  He didn't sink because He not only wrote the laws of physics but also determines the operation of those laws.  And He can change them any time He wants. HE is Truth.  God created math (much to my daughter's dismay) but is not restrained by it.  HE is Truth. With God, 5 + 2 can equal 7 or  >5000.[b]  By the way, I have examples of this kind of thing using my own family's budget.  Quite a few of them, too.  In our world, animals don't actually talk, but HE is Truth.  2 Peter 2.13  refers to a donkey in the Old Testament speaking with a human voice.   (Of course, we political junkies see that almost daily, so it may not seem quite as big a deal as it did then.)  The laws that govern the universe simply do not - CANNOT - govern the Creator of those laws!  

So for my friends awaiting the doctor's report, for our nation at an economic, moral, and political precipice, for our own children as they head into an increasingly anti-Christian world, my prayer is that we will know Truth.  Because circumstances aren't always what they seem, and knowing Truth makes all the difference.  

a. Matt. 14
b. Mark 6

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