Tuesday, July 8

One Degree...

The other day Sophia had a slight fever.  As I checked the thermometer, which read 99.8, she made an interesting comment.  As she lay on the living room sofa for the fourth straight hour, she said,  “One degree sure makes a difference”.   How true.

A couple of days ago, two Jehovah’s Witnesses came to my door.  During the short time we chatted, they told me that Jesus is a god, but not The God[1].  Close but no cigar.  We often hear that we are all God’s children.[2]  Again, off the mark.  “It is okay to sleep together if you love each other.”[3]  Sadly, I’ve heard that statement by those on both sides of the church door.  According to Scripture, each of these viewpoints at least slightly deviates from the Truth.  But as anyone who has used a compass knows, being one degree off True North will send you on an entirely different path than the one you intended!  With the Scriptures as our map and the Holy Spirit as our compass, we can maintain an accurate bearing.  After all, one degree sure makes a difference.

[1] John 1.1

[2] John 1.12

[3] Hebrews 13.4


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're continuing to write, Shannon. I check your blog frequently and always am enriched by your observations and teachings.
Donna B.

Anonymous said...

I really like this one. So true!! I'll have to remember the one degree difference when I start to deviate from God's true north.