Tuesday, September 9

All Those Questions...

Sam's favorite question these days is "why?".  He asks it at least a hundred times a day ... or so it seems to his tired mom.  Why do I need to do this?  Why does it work this way?  Why do you want me to do that?  He's not being rebellious; he's just growing up.  "Because I said so", just doesn't cut it anymore;  he needs a more substantial answer.  
Paul says when he became a man he put childish ways behind him. (1 Cor. 13.11)  Now in NO way is Sam a man!  He's still a grimy little boy who sometimes runs around the house dressed as Spiderman.  BUT, even at the age of 9, he's putting childish ways behind him.  He's beginning to question the establishment, as it were, in an effort to get answers and to form his own convictions.  He needs valid reasons, solid explanations, rational grounds ... and so do I.  As I grow in my faith in Christ, I am finding that I ask more and more questions. Sometimes ... even the dreaded "why?".   Like Sam, I am no longer satisfied with some canned answer I heard someone give years ago.  As I mature, I find that I have to think a bit more ... get into the Word a bit more ... pray a bit more ... obey a bit more in order to find those answers.  An example in my own life is the question of predestination.  I began seriously considering this matter ... over a year ago.  I've studied it, although not as in depth as I would like to.  I've meditated on it, prayed for understanding, and come to a conclusion.  I'll save that for another blog; the point I'm trying to make is that we should always seek to find answers ... even hard ones... because learning is growing.

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