Thursday, August 28

Lessons from the South Rim...

A couple of weeks ago Russ, the kids, and I headed out on a great adventure … otherwise known as the summer vacation.  It was FANTASTIC!  We crammed more into this trip than we ever thought possible … the beach, LegoLand, SeaWorld, Sophia’s 12th birthday, California Adventures, time with Russ’ family in Los Angeles, Petrified Forest, Painted Desert, and my personal favorite, the Grand Canyon!

As I reflect, my mind goes back to the first time I saw the Canyon.  Russ and I were driving cross-country from Georgia to California to see his family.  I was about two months pregnant with Sophia and slept almost the entire time, occasionally waking up long enough to eat yet another order of Burger King fries.  Hey, when you have morning sickness, you go with whatever stays down!. Keep in mind, Russ had been going on and on about how colossal the Canyon is … how incredible it is …. how breathtaking the view would be … for about 1500 miles.  Personally, I was more impressed with the poncho liner that had kept me warm for all those miles than with his over-the-top descriptions of the Canyon.  I had already seen pictures of the giant hole in the ground.  I was sure it would be pretty, but come on. It had snowed the night before we drove up to the Canyon from Flagstaff, so the drive was treacherous as it was beautiful. When we finally arrived, the clouds parted, the sun shining on that giant hole, and I saw it for what it really is … amazing … indescribable … awe-inspiring.  Russ was right! I could have never imagined its majesty, its enormity, its beauty.

Twelve years later, we stand on the jagged edge of the Southern Rim.  All five of us, only inches away from unbelievable beauty and possible peril.  One wrong step along parts of the trail and … buh bye … we’ll see you on the other side.  When your children are 12, 9, and 6, that’s a little unnerving.  There was one particular spot on that trail where the edge was crumbling into … nothingness.  We gave the kids a verbal warning … or twenty … and held their hands as we trekked along the well-worn trail.  In the end, we all made it to our destination, but it was still scary! 

When we had completely exhausted our time at the Canyon… and ourselves… we headed back to the car.  As we drove away, Russ made a couple of observations that I immediately understood to be true.  God is bigger, more beautiful, more grand than we can possibly fathom apart from seeing Him face to face.  While we’re on this journey called life, Scripture continues to describe to us this God we cannot yet fully understand.  We will be amazed at the sight of Him!!  He is also scary… powerful enough to frighten, even destroy, His worst enemy.  We often do injustice to God by portraying His character as one dimensional … only as loving and beautiful when, in fact, He is also a warrior!  And warriors are dangerous. 

I’m so glad I got a glimpse.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

The Grand Canyon is truly one of those things in life that doesn't disappoint. Glad you got to see and experience it as a family.