Tuesday, July 15

Using the Skimmer

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1.9 (NIV)

This summer I’ve been having my daily quiet time (devotion) on the back patio.  When I’ve finished my coffee and Bible reading, I usually skim the pool as I pray.  Now, that may sound irreverent to some, but today the Lord used skimming to show me a profound truth.

Despite the heat, all the plants in our backyard are in full bloom this time of year.  Because of the strong West Texas winds, flowers and leaves from the beautiful flora make daily flights … straight into the pool.  Occasionally, the fauna make the trek as well!  As I skimmed the pool this morning, removing debris floating atop the water, a spiritual parallel came to mind. 

In a scenario in which the pool represents my spiritual life, perhaps the “debris” floating atop the water represents sin.  Sin that is easily identifiable.  Sin I need to confess daily.  Sin that was seemingly attractive at some point but has no more place in my life than flowers have in the swimming pool.  Just as the pool is defiled by flowers, leaves and bits of bark, my life is defiled by sin.  If left unaddressed, the unwanted items slowly make their way to the bottom of the pool.  This makes the task of removing them much more difficult.  Not impossible, but much harder.  And each time we jump into the water, this “trash” is stirred up again, making our swimming experience so much less enjoyable. Do you see the parallel?  Over time, my own unconfessed sin settles deep within my spirit.  It does not go away, nor is it hidden from God.  And Satan uses it to make the waters of my spiritual life murky. 

Application:  Confess sin at the moment it becomes apparent, visible, evident.   God has a big skimmer.

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