Thursday, July 31

Learning to Feed Yourself ...

The Apostle Paul once said, "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me."  1 Corinthians 13.11

Over the past couple of months, Russ & I have been watching the hummingbird in the video.  She first caught our attention as she built her nest ... atop one of the paper lanterns that are strung along our back patio.  The next thing we knew, two tiny eggs had hatched, and two tiny mouths anxiously waited to be fed. Daily. And Mama Hummingbird seemed to gladly oblige.  For a time.  Did you notice that Mama was feeding only one baby in the video?  That's because just this morning, the other baby decided the time was right ... to leave the nest ... and to feed himself. 

How about us?  Have we made a similar decision?  In a reality where the Scriptures are our daily bread, have we come to the point in our Christian lives where we are able and willing to feed ourselves?  Or do we just sit there ... in the pew or on the sofa ... waiting for someone else to fill us up with God's Word? Like Paul, we must also grow up ... emotionally, physically and spiritually.  I wonder if that little hummingbird somehow instinctively knew he was created to mature and one day leave behind the comfort of the nest for the life of adventure.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We had robins build a nest on top of the front porch light. They had three fledglings the first batch but the second batch of eggs were attacked by mourning doves. Rod & I have enjoyed them all and we put in a birdbath and will have some feeders come winter.

Just love your blog. Hugs your three cuties fo rus - we miss all of you!
