Wednesday, June 25

Lessons from Joseph...

The Old Testament character of Joseph is one with which many people are familiar.  Those of us who went to Sunday School as children probably remember using every crayon in the box as we colored in Joseph’s special coat. Joseph’s saga has been told on Broadway – by Donny Osmond, no less- and by Hollywood’s best animators.  Dolly Parton even wrote about her own “coat of many colors” in a song by the same name. Not surprisingly, I thought I had a good handle on this Biblical character.  At least until Russ came home the other day with a very insightful observation.

Joseph’s story is one of jealousy, betrayal, slavery, obedience, injustice, reconciliation, and ultimately redemption, all woven together by Divine providence.  As Russ pointed out, Joseph’s story is, in many ways, the story of Jesus.

Joseph was loved by his father, who sent him to unreceptive brothers.  So was Jesus.  Joseph was rejected by those you would least expect – his own people!  So was Jesus.  Joseph was falsely accused and imprisoned.  So was Jesus.  Joseph was ultimately used to redeem not only his family but also foreigners from certain death.  So was Jesus. When given the choice between crushing his brothers and forgiving them, he chose to forgive.  So did Jesus. 

During his lifetime, Joseph was alternately favored and forgotten, hailed and harassed, respected and reproved.  Yet because Joseph's faith and consequently, his actions, were based on a loving and sovereign God rather than on any temporary circumstances, he could say to his brothers, "What you meant for evil God used for good to save many" (Gen. 50.20). That sounds like Jesus to me.

(The story of Joseph can be found in Genesis Chapters 37-50.)

1 comment:

Brian Knapp said...

You married one insightful dude! :)