Wednesday, June 4

Graduation Day...

Have you ever wondered why, after Jesus' death, the disciples become the apostles?  I have.

As I understand it, a disciple is a student.  While Jesus was here on earth, His disciples followed Him around ... listening, watching and learning from arguably the most qualified Rabbi in history.  They listened as He told stories; they watched as He healed the blind; they learned what true sacrifice was all about.  Aaah... but after school was out ... what then?  What would become of the disciples after Jesus' death, resurrection and ascension into Heaven?  

In a divine valedictory speech, Jesus would announce the graduation of his disciples in Matthew 28.19-20.  In his final earthly address, Jesus commanded his pupils to take all they had learned during their three years together out into the world, and they became apostles.   The taught became the teachers.  Those who had been under the tutelage of The Rabbi were sent out of the classroom and into the world.  (Apostle means "one sent out on a mission".)  They were to share all they had learned with those who were not yet educated in the ways of the Lord.  As a member of the Class of '90, I am doing my best to remain faithful to that legacy.  

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