Sunday, November 30

Change We Can Believe In...

John Chapter 2 tells a story familiar to many.   It seemed rather familiar to me, too, until this morning.  That is one thing I love about God's word; it is living and active... and teaching me new lessons if I am willing to learn.  

Mary, Jesus' mother, was attending a wedding in the village of Cana.  Jesus and his disciples had also been invited.  Indicative of the Jewish culture in general, the traditional Jewish wedding is full of meaningful rituals and symbolism.  The couple is married underneath the cover of a tent called a chuppah, which symbolizes the couple's future home together.   The bride, known as a kallah, wears a veil which is meant to place special emphasis on inner rather than physical beauty.  And then there is the celebration... the food .... the laughter... the wine.  When the wine runs out, Mary- like any good mother who knows her son - simply goes to Jesus.  Jesus performs his very first miracle that day ... and I am amazed.  

Jesus' first miracle was this:  transformation.  He took ordinary water and transformed it into wine.  Not just any wine, either ... the best wine.    Of all the miracles of Jesus could have chosen as His first, he chose this one.  He chose to transform.  He didn't simply alter the perception of the people, making them think the water tasted as good as wine.   He chose to reveal Himself in that moment, to reveal His desire and ability to bring about a complete transformation.   He turned the water into wine, the fruit of the vine!   As I reflect on this incredible display of His loving intent and His great power, I see that He has done and is doing no less with me.   He is transforming my thoughts from darkness to light.  He is transforming my actions from selfishness to service.  The work of His Spirit is so changing my motivations, my words, my desires, and my understanding of Truth that the composition of my life is completely different from what it was before I knew Christ.  2 Corinthians 5.17 sums up the experience of all of us who have come into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ ... "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone; the new has come."  That's change we can believe in.


Deanna said...

I"ve been enjoying your blog over the last few months! Thanks for sharing!!!

Anonymous said...

Amen, I know this to be true! Although I am a work in progress, I am new and it is refreshing and my world is no longer dark. God has a great plan for me and accepting His plan or that there is one has provided me with strength, courage and the ability to release myself from the fear of the unknown and to trust. God is great and I am so thankful for all the prayers you and your family and our community have provided for me for all the years, they worked!