John Chapter 2 tells a story familiar to many. It seemed rather familiar to me, too, until this morning. That is one thing I love about God's word; it is living and active... and teaching me new lessons if I am willing to learn.
Sunday, November 30
Change We Can Believe In...
John Chapter 2 tells a story familiar to many. It seemed rather familiar to me, too, until this morning. That is one thing I love about God's word; it is living and active... and teaching me new lessons if I am willing to learn.
Wednesday, November 26
Russ and I are involved with the Navigators ministry here in Texas. This organization, which can be found on many military installations across the country, places their focus on helping and training soldiers in their walk with Christ. The Navs we've known through the years often use illustrations when explaining spiritual truths… using anything from a whiteboard to a ripe banana. Somehow I think John the Baptist would fit right in.
In John 1, we see John define himself as “one calling in the desert, make the way straight for the Lord…”. He states unequivocally that he is not the Messiah but rather he is merely the messenger, further laying the ground work for the One who is to come. John’s words proclaim Christ. In verse 31, Johns says “…the reason I came baptizing with water was that he (Jesus) might be revealed to Israel.” John’s life serves as the illustration of the Christ to come. Perhaps for a revelation of this magnitude a dry erase board just wouldn’t do.
Tuesday, November 25
The Word Became Human....
Monday, November 24
Children of God...
Saturday, November 22
Thursday, November 6
Serious Error...
Wednesday, November 5
The Election ...
Tuesday, November 4
The Test...
"Test everything. Hold on to the good." 1 Thessalonians 5.21