Thursday, April 10

Theology of the Water Bottle...

"... and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." 1 John 1.7

We buy bottled water.  Not the trendy kind in the blue bottle that you see hip  people on TV drinking, just plain bottled water.  Nothing fancy, just clean water. Pure water, perfect taste ... at least according to the label.  Unfortunately, it's not free water.  Purity has its price.  And I, for one, am glad to pay it.  As I look at my own life in light of the Word of God, I realize that my purity also has a price.  It cost Jesus, and it costs me.  Jesus gave His very life so that I could be spotless,  free from the pollution of sin.  For me, the cost of purity comes as I daily die to thoughts, desires and actions that would not only taint me but keep me from maturity.

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