As a boy my husband lived right around the corner from the original In-N-Out in Baldwin Park, California. In-N-Out started in 1948 in one small building from which hamburgers, french fries, and shakes were sold. That's been the menu for six decades. Customers would drive in, get their food, and drive out, hence the name. (Many other such restaurants would follow, including McDonald’s in 1954.) As In-N-Out was originally designed, there was not even a dining room! Sixty years and hundreds of red and white palm-lined buildings later, not much has changed. Although there are now dining rooms where you can bring your friends, most people still just drive in and out.
What if the church followed a similar philosophy? Christianity “to go”. What if we started getting in the Word so we could live it out? What if we invited friends in to dine with us? What if we brought lost people into a Gathering and sent disciples out? What if having fewer items on our menu allowed us to do the best things really well? And what if those serving were well-trained and enthusiastic? What a blessing we would be to those who are spiritually hungry!
Would you like fries with that?
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